The standard sample of the composition of a solution of petroleum products in a water-soluble matrix is intended for certification of measurement methods and control of the accuracy of measurement results of the content of petroleum products in drinking, natural, wastewater and soil by spectrophotometric, fluorimetric, chromatographic methods.
Technical specifications:
- The mass concentration of petroleum products is 0.01 mg/ml;
- The limits of the relative error of the certified CO value at P = 0.95 are ± 1.5 %;
- Solvent: aprotic organic solvent (The standard sample is a solution of industrial oil I-40A in a water-soluble matrix, which is an aprotic organic solvent).
The shelf life of the CO copy is 2 years.
Basic equipment:
- A glass ampoule containing at least 1.2 ml of GSO solution - 1 pc.;
- A blank glass ampoule of at least 1.2 ml- 1 pc.;
- Passport - 1 pc.