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Spectrophotometer PE-5400VI (with holder for 6 cells)
2 482 $ add to cart
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SpectrophotometerPE-5400VI (with holder for 6 cells) is designed to measure thetransmittance and optical density of liquids in order to determine thecomponents dissolved in them.
-Quality control of water (drinking, natural, wastewater) for indicators:aluminum, ammonium, ammonia, boron, vanadium, bismuth, iron, cadmium,carbamide, cobalt, silicon, manganese, copper, methanol, molybdenum, turbidity,arsenic, nickel, nitrates, nitrites, tin, surfactants, rhodanides, mercury,lead, selenium, silver, sulfates, phenols, formaldehyde, phosphates,phosphorus, fluorides, COD (GOST 31859-2012), chromium (VI), chromaticity,cyanides, zinc, etc.;
-Control of the content of chemicals in the soil for indicators: total nitrogen,aluminum, ammonium, beryllium, boron, humus, iron, cobalt, magnesium,manganese, copper, molybdenum, arsenic, nitrates, organic matter, selenium,sulfates, volatile phenols, formaldehyde, phosphorus, zinc, sulfur, etc.;
-Control of the content of chemicals in the atmospheric air and emissions intothe atmosphere for indicators: ammonia, manganese, nickel, formaldehyde,hydrogen fluoride, chlorine, chromium, etc.;
-Control of the air of the working area for compliance with occupational safetystandards;
-Content in food products: iron, lactose, citric acid, copper, arsenic,nitrates, nitrites, nitrates, tin, sugar, sorbic acid, phosphorus, nickel,protein in milk, etc.;
-Content in alcoholic beverages: aldehydes, iron, copper, methyl alcohol, sugar,fusel oil, higher alcohols, color, complex esters, etc.;
-Content in feed, compound feeds: iron, carotene, cobalt, manganese, copper,lead, carbohydrates, phosphorus, zinc;
-Determination of the concentration of lead and iron in gasoline (GOST 28828-90,GOST R 52530-2006);
-Biochemical analyses, for example, such as determination of the content in theblood: transyminase, hemoglobin, K+, Na+, thymol, bilirubin, etc. determinationof carboxyhemoglobin in blood and muscles;
-Certificate of approval of the type of measuring instruments, recognition ofthe SI type in the CIS countries: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine;
-Registration certificate No.FSR 2010/07089.;
-Certificate of Conformity No.ROSS RU.AG48.N10482.;
-Declaration of Conformity No.RU D-RU.MM04.V.01336.;
-Register of methods of quantitative chemical analysis and assessment of thestate of environmental objects approved for state environmental control andmonitoring (HDPE F).;
-Passport and operating manual;
- Aspectrophotometer with a holder of 6 cuvettes 10 mm wide (European standard)with an optical path length from 5 to 50 mm allows you to reduce the time ofanalysis, halve the consumption of reagents and the analyzed sample, which isespecially important for medical institutions;
-The warranty period is 36 months;
-Storing up to 200 data groups and up to 50 calibration curves in the device'smemory (without connecting to a computer) The quantitative analysis mode builtinto the device calculates the concentration based on calibration curves storedin memory (without connecting to a computer);
-The quantitative analysis mode built into the device calculates theconcentration based on calibration curves stored in memory (without connectingto a computer).
-The ability to scan the spectrum using the SC5400 wavelength scanning programfor a computer (the program is supplied separately)
-Convenient and fast wavelength setting from the keyboard of the device orcomputer.
-Automatic setting of the dark current when changing the wavelength.
- Alarge cuvette compartment allows you to install:
a) Aholder for 4 cuvettes of KFK with a length from 5 to 100 mm (standardequipment)
b) Aholder for 6 narrow cuvettes with a width of 12 mm and an optical path length from5 to 50 mm.
- PCsoftware included with the ability to automatically update via the Internet:
a)Quantitative analysis (creation of graduations, automatic calculation of thesquare of the correlation coefficient of the calibration equation, the maximumvalue of the standard deviation of the calculated value as a percentage and themaximum error of the calculated value as a percentage for all standard samples,saving graduations, performing measurements based on saved graduations,automatic setting of the wavelength on the device when selecting the savedcalibration, during the execution The measurement concentration isautomatically calculated for each sample, as well as the average concentrationvalue and percentage convergence for parallel measurements, saving the receiveddata, printing the protocol in the GLP standard);
b)Kinetic analysis (change in optical density over a given period of time);
c)Data entry in Excel
-The package includes a set of four control light filters, which allows you toquickly monitor the correctness of measurements and test the device beforeverification.
-The optical density value does not depend on the position of the cuvette in thecuvette holder
-The possibility of using cuvettes with a small wedge shape
-Increased stability of measurement results compared to common analogues.
-The ability to measure the optical density of liquids in vials and test tubeswith high accuracy (with an additional COD holder).
-You can always quickly get technical and information support, as well as applyfor software development for your personal tasks.
-Spectral range: 315-1000 nm;
-Spectral slit width: 4 nm;
-Wavelength setting error: no more than ± 1 nm;
-Reproducibility of wavelength setting: ± 0.5 nm;
-Limits of permissible absolute error in measuring spectral coefficients ofdirectional transmission:± 0.5%T;
-Measuring range:
opticaldensity: from 3,000 to 0.000;
directionaltransmission coefficient: from 0.0 to 100.0%.
-Light source: Halogen lamp;
-Digital output for PC connection: USB B;
-Overall dimensions (LxWxH), mm: 465x395x235;
-Weight: 11.5 kg;
-Power consumption: 35W;
-Supply voltage: 220 ± 22 V, at a frequency of 50 Hz;
1box, 600 x 500 x 350 mm, 15.8 kg
- adevice with a holder for 6 cuvettes 10 mm wide (European standard) up to 50 mmlong -1 pc.;
-control light filters - 4 pcs. (in the case);
-glass cuvette 10x10 mm 4 pcs. (in the case);
-adapter-plug - 1 pc.;
-dust cover - 1 pc.;
-USB A - USB B cable for connecting to a PC - 1 pc.;
-spare halogen lamp - 1 pc.;
-passport and operating manual with verification procedure and stamp of theverifier, software user manual .