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Manufacturing of CRMs
Laboratory centre of development and production of Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) was formed in 1992. Beside our great material and technical resources, it’s the people who make the difference. Our highly qualified experts, who provide such a great experience and understanding of the "philosophy of reference materials" allow us to produce more than 180 different types of approved certified reference materials (CRMs) and about 100 types of standard samples enterprises (SOP).
CRMs ensure the metrological analysis of environmental objects, food and monitoring the parameters of quality of oil and petroleum products.
Famous companies from Russia and other CIS-Countries like Gazprom, Nord Imperial, Tomskneft-Service, Samaraneftegaz Service, Gazpromneft-NNG, Tomskgazprom, Bashneft-mining are satisfied customers and trust in our products for many years.
Recently our laboratory centre was certified in accordance with the requirements of International Standard ISO Guide 34-2009.
We would love to prove our expertise and are sincerely open for cooperation and any questions you may have, concerning our CRMs. Our laboratory center is ready to advice you on any issue or challenge you may have for us.