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Spectrophotometers and accessories
PictureProduct descriptionMax. delivery time if an item is out of stockStock balanceUnitPrice
Picture Reference light filters for spectrophotometers PE
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 3 monthsStock balance: 0 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Set of COD for spectrophotometer PE-5300VI, PE-5400VI and PE-5400UV
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 14 днейStock balance: 0 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Spectrophotometer PE-5300VI
product code:200.04.0011
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 4 weeksStock balance: 264 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Quartz cuvette (Russian standard) 5 mm, ECROS
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 4 weeksStock balance: 159 pcUnit: pc -
Picture W-lamp for spectrophotometer PE-5400V, 5400UV, 5300VI, 5400VI
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 36 неделяStock balance: 95 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Adapters for cuvettes and control filters
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 3 monthsStock balance: 7 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Quartz cuvette 5 mm, ECROS
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 4 weeksStock balance: 121 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Set of KFK glass cuvettes (10, 20, 30 mm - 3 pcs each)
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 4 weeksStock balance: 17 packUnit: pack -
Picture Glass cuvette (Russian standard) 5 mm, ECROS
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 4 weeksStock balance: 228 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Glass cuvette 5 mm, ECROS
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 4 weeksStock balance: 184 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Viola holder for spectrophotometer PE-5300VI, PE-5400VI, PE-5400UV
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 30 daysStock balance: 0 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Cell holder for spectrophotometer PE-5300VI (4-position, cuvettes 10x5...50 mm)
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 3 monthsStock balance: 0 pcUnit: pc -
Picture D2 lamp for spectrophotomer PE-5400UV
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 36 неделяStock balance: 101 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Spectrophotometer PE-5300VI (with holder for 4 cells)
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 4 weeksStock balance: 10 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Quartz cuvette (Russian standard) 10 mm, ECROS
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 4 weeksStock balance: 134 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Quartz cuvette 10 mm, ECROS
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 4 weeksStock balance: 359 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Set of KFK glass cuvettes (5, 10, 20, 30, 50 mm - 3 pcs each)
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 4 weeksStock balance: 17 packUnit: pack -
Picture Glass cuvette (Russian standard) 10 mm, ECROS
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 4 weeksStock balance: 1015 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Glass cuvette 10 mm, ECROS
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 4 weeksStock balance: 557 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Glass cuvette 20 mm, ECROS
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 4 weeksStock balance: 52 pcUnit: pc
In most cases, a simple spectrophotometer at an affordable price is sufficient for routine measurements. The photometer is accurate and reliable. Expensive spectrophotometers are needed for specific analysis.
The choice of any type of spectrophotometer is determined by the requirements of regulatory documents (methods or standarts), according to which you will analyze substances. The regulatory documents using the photometric method of analysis regulate the wavelength λ, the length of the optical path of light in the cuvette, the requirements for the spectral width of the slit and the need for scanning can be specified.
The main parameters taken into account when choosing spectral devices:
- The wavelength λ at which the optical density is measured.
If the wavelength in the visible range is 315-1000 nm, then a photometer with a spectral range of 315 (325) -1000 nm is selected. If at least one of the methods requires the use of wavelengths shorter than 315 nm, then a photometer operating in the UV and visible range is selected: 190-1000 nm. Such spectrophotometers are usually much more expensive than those operating only in the visible range (315-1000 nm). If you buy a spectrophotometer operating in the UV range "for the future", then you need to take into account that the deuterium lamp, used only in the UV range, has a limited service life, and its replacement is quite expensive. - The length of the optical path of light in the cuvette.
The length of the optical path determines the parameters of the cell holder of the photocolorimeter. Not all instruments are designed for 100 mm cuvettes. Cuvettes with an optical path length of 100 mm are required in a small number of methods and GOST, and are also sometimes used when working with low concentrations of a substance. - Width of a spectral slit of device.
The narrower the slit, the better the device can resolve two absorption bands closely spaced from each other. Devices with a slit width of 4 nm and 0.4 nm may differ in cost by 20 times. If the resolution of bands with a half-width of 1 nm is not required (and the volume of such tasks is less than 0.01% of the total number of all measurements in different industries), then it is enough to buy a spectrophotometer with a slit width of 4 nm. - Scanning.
The built-in fast spectrum scanning function is necessary for frequent scanning of the entire spectrum or its individual ranges. If the scanning task is rare, it is more economical to choose photocolorimeters that scan the spectrum using computer applications.
Additional criteria for choosing a spectrophotometer
- Two - beam devices.
They are used for accurate high-speed scanning or the need to instantly obtain the difference in optical densities in two cuvettes. Two-beam devices, as a rule, already have a spectral gap of less than 4 nm and a built-in scanning function. - Type of cuvette holder.
The width of the ECROS type cuvette (width 24 mm) or EURO (width 12.5 mm) does not affect the analysis result and is determined by the user's preferences. You can choose a spectrophotometer with the cuvette holder that you prefer. - The quality of the cuvette, the adjustment of the device.
If the cuvettes have a wedge shape, then when it is installed in the holder with a 180-degree turn around the vertical axis, the transmission value may change by units of percent. The photo colorimeter must be configured so that the difference in readings is minimal. - A set of control light filters.
It allows you to check the device before the annual inspection, promptly monitor the correctness of measurements, practice skills on the device and conduct laboratory work. - Guarantee.
Before buying a photocolorimeter (photometer), pay attention to the warranty period and reliability of the manufacturer, the ability to quickly get technical and informational support, as well as apply for software development for personal tasks. - USB-port.
Most photometers currently manufactured have the ability to connect to a computer via a USB-port. A USB-port is required if computer software is supplied with the device that allows you to process the results and print a ready-made protocol. - Touch screen.
Some spectrophotometers are equipped with a touch screen. You should overpay for such a function only if it will be convenient for you to control the device with rubber gloves using a small touch screen.
Attention! Very often, for advertising purposes, firms indicate inflated characteristics of their devices. The actual characteristics are indicated in the description of the type of measuring instruments entered in the State Register under a certain number. A description of the type of measuring instruments, the validity period of the certificate of entry into the Register of measuring instruments can be found on the website: http://www.fundmetrology.ru
Spectrophotometers manufactured by ECROSKHIM LTD, St. Petersburg, are a time-tested, reliable classic of spectral equipment for everyday measurements.
- Entered in the State Register of Measuring Instruments № 44866-10.
- Manufactured and verified in St. Petersburg (according to TU 9443-001-5627822-2009, about 6 thousand spectrophotometers of the PE series were produced).
- The devices are reliable (the warranty period is 3 years).
- Easy to operate (very detailed user manual).
- The ability to teach the user the skills of work and configuration with the issuance of the appropriate certificate.
- High photometric accuracy of measurements.
- A free set of light filters.
- A large cuvette compartment allows you to install a cuvette holder for an EСROS cuvette with a width of 24 mm or for 12.5 mm cuvettes.
- The readings of the device do not depend on the displacement of the sample along the optical axis.
- The setup of the spectrophotometer and the design of the cuvette holder allow the cuvettes to be installed in a staggered order, which increases the distance between the cuvettes and greatly facilitates their installation.
- The ability to use cuvettes up to 100 mm long.
- The adjustment of the device partially compensates for the possible wedge shape of the cuvettes.
- Communication of the device with the computer via a USB port.
- Free software significantly reduces the work time of the laboratory assistant.
- It can be delivered in combination with a computer with installed software.
- An additional program installed on the computer allows you to scan the spectrum (for PE5400VI/5400UF devices).
- Registration certificate No. ФСР 2010/07089 dated March 10, 2010, confirming that the devices manufactured by Ekroskhim LTD, Russia, are medical devices (medical equipment products).
- Photometers are exported to Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria and other countries, including China.