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Special Offers
PictureProduct descriptionMax. delivery time if an item is out of stockStock balanceUnitPrice
Picture Water bath PE-4310 (30L)
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 60 daysStock balance: 0 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Water bath PE-4300 (6-position)
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 60 daysStock balance: 23 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Concentration meter ECROS-5700
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 2 weeksStock balance: 0 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Multiple magnetic stirrer PE-6600 (0135)
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: январь-февральStock balance: 20 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Glassware dryer PE-2000
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 30 daysStock balance: 73 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Spectrophotometer PE-5400VI (with holder for 6 cells)
product code:200.04.0021.1
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: check stock availability of PE-5400VIStock balance: 2 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Spectrophotometer PE-5400UV (with holder for 6 cells)
product code:200.04.0031.1
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: check stock availability of PE-5400UVStock balance: 22 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Aromatic hydrocarbons in diesel fuel CRM 10130-2012 (3 ml)
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 4 weeksStock balance: 3 ampUnit: amp -
Picture Drying oven ES-4620 (30 L / 300°С)
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: февральStock balance: 26 pcUnit: pc -
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: до 60-90 днейStock balance: 0 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Drying oven ES-4610 (50 L / 300°С)
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: февральStock balance: 13 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Bottle-top dispenser PE 0.25-2.5
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 90 днейStock balance: 12 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Sampling system PE-1220
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 30 daysStock balance: 10 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Vibratory sieve shaker PE-6700
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 30 daysStock balance: 21 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Rotary evaporator PE-8920
product code:200.01.2050
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: ноябрьStock balance: 0 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Double laboratory shaker PE-6300 with heating
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 30 daysStock balance: 13 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Sampling system PE-1110
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 30 daysStock balance: 14 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Fabric heating mantle ESF-4110S (1,0 l)
product code:200.01.0055
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: SeptemberStock balance: 56 pcUnit: pc -
Picture SODIUM BIPHENYL REAGENT (ASTM D 4929) tube syringe
product code:
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 4 weeksStock balance: 0 pcUnit: pc -
Picture Rotary evaporator PE-8910
product code:200.01.2051
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: ноябрьStock balance: 16 pcUnit: pc
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