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- Laboratory Furniture discontinued
- Laboratory furniture ECOLOGY
Laboratory furniture ECOLOGY
- Laboratory benches with 2 drawers and power supply 1212х610х850
- Laboratory benches with 2 drawers and power supply 1200х850х850
- Laboratory benches with 2 drawers and power supply (power up) 1200х850х850
- Laboratory benches (simplified) 1200х600х850
- Laboratory benches (simplified) 1200х850х850
- Laboratory banches with 2 drawers 1200x600x850 mm
- Laboratory bench with 1 drawer 1200x600x850
Laboratory benches for equipment
- Equipment bench with 2 drawers 1500x600x850
- Laboratory benches for equipment with 2 drawers and power supply 1500x600x850
- Laboratory benches for equipment with 2 drawers and power supply 1500x850x850
- Equipment bench with 2 drawers and electrical accessories 1500x850x850 (reinforced)
- Equipment bench with 2 drawers and electrical accessories 1800x600x850
- Equipment bench with 2 drawers and electrical accessories 1800x850x850
- Laboratory benches with mobile underbench, 2 drawers and power supply 1500x600x850
- Laboratory benches for equipment with mobile underbench, 2 drawers and power supply 1515х850х850
- Laboratory benches for equipment (simplified) 1500x600x850
- Laboratory benches for equipment (simplified) 1500x850x850
- Equipment bench 1800x600x850
- Equipment bench 1800x850x850
PictureProduct descriptionMax. delivery time if an item is out of stockStock balanceUnitPrice
Picture Sink bench with 2 sinks and mixing tap (stainless steel) 800x600x850 mm
product code:56.0406.00.06-01
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Laboratory bench for balance with benchtop (labgrade, white metal) 1200х600х750 mm
product code:56.0498.00.08-П
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
product code:56.0500В.16.06
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Bench-mount bookrack (white metal) 1200x340x400 mm
product code:56.0130.01.00
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Mobile laboratory bench (steel, white metal) 600x550x640 mm
product code:56.0527.00.00
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
product code:56.0488.00.14-01
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Laboratory bench (white laminate, white metal) 1500x850x850 mm
product code:56.0496.01.04
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
product code:56.0620.00.02Т
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Laboratory bench bottom shelf (white metal) 1175x250x450 mm
product code:56.0691.00.00
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Laboratory bench bottom shelf (white metal) 1475x250x450 mm
product code:56.0690.00.00
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Laboratory bench bottom shelf (white metal) 1775x250x450 mm
product code:56.0700.00.00
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Laboratory bench shelf with 6 sockets (rack, white metal) 1175x690 mm
product code:56.0506.00.00
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
product code:56.0487.01.23
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Laboratory bench (simplified, jointless ceramic, white metal) 1212х610х850 mm
product code:56.0493.00.23
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Laboratory bench (simplified, jointless ceramic, white metal) 1212х850х850 mm
product code:56.0493.01.23
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
product code:56.0487.00.23
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
product code:56.0591.00.14
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Equipment bench (plastic laminate - labgrade, white metal) 1800x600x850 mm
product code:56.0698.00.08
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Laboratory bench with 2 drawers 1212x610x850, worktop material - jointless ceramic
product code:56.0487.10.23
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Laboratory bench (labgrade, white metal) 1800x850x850 mm
product code:56.0698.01.04
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request