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- Attached benches
Attached benches
PictureProduct descriptionMax. delivery time if an item is out of stockStock balanceUnitPrice
Picture Side bench (white laminate, white metal) 600х850х850 mm
product code:56.0494.01.04
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Side bench (white laminate, white metal) 850х850х850 mm
product code:56.0495.01.04
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Side bench (grey laminate, white metal) 600х600х850 mm
product code:56.0494.00.14
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Side bench (grey laminate, white metal) 600х850х850 mm
product code:56.0494.01.14
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Side bench (grey laminate, white metal) 850х850х850 mm
product code:56.0495.01.14
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Side bench (white laminate, white metal) 600х600х850 mm
product code:56.0494.00.04
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Side bench (labgrade, white metal) 600х850х850 mm
product code:56.0494.01.08
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Side bench (labgrade, white metal) 850х850х850 mm
product code:56.0495.01.08
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Side bench (labgrade, white metal) 600х600х850 mm
product code:56.0494.00.08
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Side bench (ceramic, white metal) 610х850х850 mm
product code:56.0494.01.03
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Side bench (labgrade-light, white metal) 610х610х850 mm
product code:56.0494.00.18
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Side bench (labgrade-light, white metal) 850х850х850 mm
product code:56.0495.01.18
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Side bench (ceramic granite, white metal) 610х610х850 mm
product code:56.0494.00.13
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Side bench (labgrade-light, white metal) 610х850х850 mm
product code:56.0494.01.18
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Side bench (labgrade, white metal) 850х850х850 mm
product code:56.0495.01.13
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Side bench (ceramic, white metal) 610х610х850 mm
product code:56.0494.00.03
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Side bench (ceramic granite, grey metal) 610х850х850 mm
product code:56.0494.01.13
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request -
Picture Side bench (ceramic granite, grey metal) 610х850х850 mm
product code:56.0494.01.23
Max. delivery time if an item is out of stock: 45Stock balance: 0 pcUnit: pcPrice Price on request