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Novelties of the State standard samples!


New State standard samples are already on sale!
CRM (Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products by Reid Method)

Designed for:

  • Certification of measurement methods and control of accuracy of measurement results of saturated vapor pressure of oil and petroleum products, including GOST 1756-2000 (ISO3007-99), GOST R 52340-2005, GOST 31874-2012, GOST 8.601-2010, GOST 33361-2022, ASTMD 6377-20, ASTMD 323-20a, ISO3007:1999;
  • Control of the metrological characteristics of measuring instruments (SI) during their testing, including for type approval purposes;
  • SI checks and calibrations, provided that the metrological and technical characteristics of the SR comply with the requirements established in the SI verification and calibration methods.

Packaging: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml.
Shelf life: 4 years.

Metrological characteristics:

The certified characteristic is the saturated vapor pressure at a temperature of (37.8±0.1) °C, kPa

Certified characteristic

Unit designation

The range of acceptable certified values of the Standard Sample

The limits of the permissible values of the relative error of the certified value of the Standard Sample

at P = 0.95, %

Acceptable values of the relative extended uncertainty of the certified value of the Standard Sample at k=2

and P=0.95, %

Saturated vapor pressure at temperature

(37,8±0,1) °Ñ









The traceability of the certified value to the unit of magnitude "pressure", reproduced by the State primary standard of the unit of pressure - Pascal, is ensured by measurements using a certified measurement method involving the use of trusted pressure gauges.

You can order by following the link:
CRM (Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products by Reid Method)

CRM of the mass fraction of sulfur in diesel fuel

Designed for:

  • Establishing and monitoring the stability of the calibration characteristic,SI verification, for determining the mass fraction of sulfur in diesel fuel by X-ray fluorescence and ultraviolet fluorescence;
  • Control of the metrological characteristics of SI during their tests, including for the purpose of type approval;
  • Certification of measurement methods and control of the accuracy of measurement results of the percentage of sulfur in diesel fuel by the X-ray fluorescence method according to a number of GOST standards.

Packaging: 5 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml;
Shelf life: 4 years.

You can order by following the link:
CRM of the mass fraction of sulfur in diesel fuel

Mass fraction of ash (ash content) in petroleum products

Designed for:

  • Use in the performance of work to assess the compliance of the quality of oil and petroleum products with established standards (GOST 1461-75 "Petroleum products");
  • Determination of ash content according to GOST 28583-90 (ISO 6245-82);
  • Determination of ash content according to other GOST standards.


Packaging: 40 ml, 125 ml, 250 ml;
Shelf life: 5 years.

You can order by following the link:
Mass fraction of ash (ash content) in petroleum products

The state standard sample of detonation resistance (octane number) of gasoline

Designed for:

  • To control the accuracy of the measurement results of the detonation resistance (octane number, OCH) of gasoline: GOST 32339-2013; GOST R 52947-2019; GOST 511-2015; GOST 32340-2013; GOST R 52946-2019; GOST 8226-2015;
  • For other types of metrological control in accordance with the metrological characteristics with the requirements of metrological control procedures.


 Packing: 500 cm³;
Shelf life: 3 years.

You can order by following the link: 
The state standard sample of detonation resistance (octane number) of gasoline

Turbidity of the water

Registration number GSO 12428-2024.
Certified value: 4000 EMF.

The new turbidity sensor has passed all the necessary tests and has been entered into the State Register, and is ready for use in a wide variety of industries, including water quality control, environmental monitoring, pharmaceutical and food industries, and many others.

Designed for:

  • working with methods: GOST R 57164-2016, HDPE F 14.1:2:3:4.213-05, ISO 7027-1:2016, ASTM D7315-17, etc.


Packing: 5 ml;
Shelf life: 2 years.

You can order by following the link: 
Turbidity of the water
