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A new implemented project for the Presidential Physics and Mathematics Lyceum № 239!
We are pleased to present the implementation of a new project of the Chemical Center and the educational chemical laboratory in the State budget non-standard educational institution "Presidential Physics and Mathematics Lyceum №239".
Our specialists have developed a design project that took into account all the features of the laboratory premises. Non-standard furniture solutions were implemented in accordance with the customer's technical specifications.
We would like to express our gratitude to the head of the Chemical Center - Denis Vladislavovich Baigozin, for his active participation and support at all stages of the project. His professionalism and commitment to creating a comfortable and functional educational environment played a key role in the successful implementation of this project.
Initial project:
Completed project:
We were very pleased to participate in this project, to help in the implementation of modern solutions using our experience, equipment and furniture produced by us! The implemented project became an example of how innovative approaches can transform the educational space and make it more convenient and effective for learning.
We wish Lyceum No. 239 further development and prosperity, a comfortable and bright learning process for children! And to the students of the school, success in their studies! May every day in the new classes be filled with discoveries and inspiration for new achievements!