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Pour and Cloud Point Tester PE-7200A
9 797 $ add to cart
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Determination of pour and cloud point points of motor fuels.
Pour&Cloud Point Tester for Petroleum Products PE-7200I is intended for determination of pour and cloud point points of motor fuels by express method.
This new modification allows inserting probe directly that improves analysis accuracy.
This equipment can be used for quick response quality control at refineries and also at acceptance test procedures.
It essentially simplifies and cheapens the process of pour and cloud points measurement. The measurement procedure is fully automatic and continues not more than 20 minutes.
It is important to notice that cooling mixture is not required. Here is used electronic refrigerator on Peltier element. Photometric sensor is constantly ensures the process of probe crystallization, thus excepting the possibility of error by laboratorian technician. Current information is indicated on the LCD display.
The equipment can be produced in 2 modifications:
Pour&Cloud Tester PE-7200A – the model has embedded computer
Pour&Cloud Tester PE-7200I - the possibility of information output on internal LCD display or connected PC.
Technical characteristics:
- Types of tested fuels- all brands motor fuel
- Accuracy of cloud point determination, °С – ±1.0
- Accuracy of pour point determination, °С – ±2.0
- Accuracy of temperature measurement, °С – 0.2
- Measurement time, min – up to 20
- Power supply, V- 220-250
- Power consumption, W, not more than - 300